Respected brothers and sisters, we have now entered the great month of Rajab, which signals the start of the season of spirituality in the Islamic calendar.
Respected brothers and sisters, we have now entered the great month of Rajab, which signals the start of the season of spirituality in the Islamic calendar.
Almighty Allah (SWT) draws our attention to a number of very important issues in verses 10, 11 and 12 of Surah Tahrim (chapter 66 of the Holy Quran), which discusses different women, as follows:
This verse asks our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAWA) whether the news came to him of the adversaries who climbed over the wall of Prophet Dawood’s prayer chamber.
I would like to draw your attention to this letter or will of Imam Ali ibn abi Talib (a.s) to his son, Imam Hassan al-Mujtaba (a.s). This is letter number 31 of Nahjul Balagha
Let me say by way of introduction that the Haqiqat or Reality/Truth of Prophet Muhammad (sawa) causes us to have unmatched Love for him
This is a night of the best of creation of Allah. Where does one start if one wants to say something about Prophet Muhammad (SAWA)?
The common platform is Tauheed, and that neither party surrenders to anyone but Allah (SWT). Why did our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAWA)…
I would now like to move to the second part in the discussion about the politics ethics of Rasulullah (SAWA), and that is his external political agenda
The principle of being faithful to what you have promised is extremely important for Rasulullah (SAWA). We read in the Holy Quran where the challenge is posed..
Leadership is a fine balance between right and responsibility. What we understand very clearly is that it is the right of certain people to rule..