We are now moving to the very interesting and informative discussion in the Quran about how it was revealed.
We are now moving to the very interesting and informative discussion in the Quran about how it was revealed.
The first point in this discussion is the position of the Holy Quran in Islam, in the eyes of the Ahlul Bait (a.s). Now, if you look at some of these Hadith narrations from the Ahlul Bait (a.s)
Salman Farsi is all about committing his full existence to seeking truth, following truth and sacrificing himself for that truth on any price.
We said in our introductory lecture that Sahaba have a great position and great respect, with a significant role in the progression of Islam.
The company of Rasulullah (SAWA) and being in his service is indeed a great honour. To experience that company and look at that face which is the manifestation of Allah’s (SWT) mercy
Abdullah, like other previous companions discussed, was a member of the of the early vanguards of Islam. Amongst his virtues is that he was among the migrants to Abyssinia
Among this group is Ubay ibn Ka’b known as Sayyidul Qurraa or leader of the reciters (of Quran).
Tonight we want to introduce 2 personalities from the early Muslims who are described in Quran as “Saabiqun” (Early vanguards).
The question that is raised is that if we Shia are critical about the Sahaba then it means we doubt the Sharia itself, because Islam
We started with the definition of Sahabi from numerous scholars of the Sunni position. We also discussed the theory which became part of the articles of faith