Extracting Maximum Spiritual Value From Material Wealth: Lady Khadija (AS)
Today, 10th of Ramadaan, we commemorate a great personality of the very early history of Islam. True to these beautiful verses of the Holy Quran
Today, 10th of Ramadaan, we commemorate a great personality of the very early history of Islam. True to these beautiful verses of the Holy Quran
We once again thank Almighty Allah (SWT) who has blessed us with this great favour of the month of Ramadaan.
Human beings seemingly desire evil and goodness to the same degree. In a case where the vision of our hearts is veiled, we fail to see the true reality around us.
Inshallah, we wish to continue with our discussion of the story of Bani Isra’eel.
Every year, we take different discussions around the Holy Quran during these nights of Ramadaan. You will recall that last year we tried to answer various questions around the Holy Quran
The question we would like to respond to today is, “how do we understand the Holy Quran, and how do we benefit from the understanding of the Holy Quran?”
Almighty Allah (SWT) has spoken about water in the Holy Quran with a great deal of detail. In fact, theword al-ma’a (water)
May Almighty Allah (SWT) accept all our duas and recitation of the Holy Quran, in this sacred night of Bara’at, which is the night of repentance and forgiveness
This Month of Shabaan is known as the Month of Prophet Muhammad (sawa).
Now, if we go a little deeper in absorbing this concept of ba’atha, we will realise that ba’atha is a movement.