Different interpreters of Sahifa Sajjadiyyah have given different explanations to the phrase “abbidni” in this Dua.
Different interpreters of Sahifa Sajjadiyyah have given different explanations to the phrase “abbidni” in this Dua.
While the Imam desires to be honoured he is also mindful of the fact that it can easily turn into arrogance and thus simultaneously seeks protection from such an affliction.
These verses were the focus of the previous discussion where Imam Zainul Abideen (a.s) emphasizes on having a focused approach to life.
Herewith are verses from the Holy Quran which directly deals with the issues covered relating to Akhlaq, starting with Fitrah (our pure essence). In this verse,
These verses explain that the best of Imaan, the best of Yaqeen, the best of Niyyah and the best of Amaal cannot be achieved on our own. It is not possible without the Mercy
Intention is basically an act of determination – when you decide to do something. If I ask you did you make niyyah to fast in Ramadaan, then what do I mean?
The term “Yaqeen” has different understandings and applications.Literally when speaking about Yaqeen, as defined by Khwaja Nasirudin Tusi (r.a), it is a compound of two things:
The literal definition of Imaan is having trust, confidence and conviction in something with all your heart. Imaan comes from the Arabic root word “amn”, which means “peace”.
Salawaat on our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAWAS).
Tonight we introduce our theme for the month of Ramadaan, namely, a Commentary on the outstanding Supplication of Noble Moral Traits by the name of Dua Makarimul Akhlaq.