Saturday, 15 October 2022
Ahlul Bait (a.s) Foundation of South Africa (AFOSA) received the sombre news of the sad passing away of a pillar of the Shia Community in London, Al Hajj Mulla Muhsin Jaffer (RA).
While small in stature, Marhoom Hajj Muhsin was a towering figure in terms of religious consciousness who continued the tradition of Marhoom Mulla Asghar in displaying passion for sharing the message of the School of Ahlul Bait (a.s) across the world.
A consequence of this noble attribute was that he supported the propagation activity in South Africa from it’s infancy and visited our beloved country in 1999 to attend the famous World Conference of Religions after which he enormously continued his support incognito.
The great legacy that he leaves lies in having successfully trained his own progeny to all be energetically involved in the service of Islam and particularly school of Ahlul bait (AS).
It is perhaps no coincidence that he left this temporal world on the date of the anniversary of the entry of Prophet Muhammad (sawa) & his grandson, Imam Sadiq (as) into it and our prayer is that Almighty Allah elevates his status, grants him a lofty place in Paradise and includes him in the close company of Prophet Muhammad (sawa) and the Holy Ahlul Bait (a.s) whom he deeply endeared.
AFOSA extends its sincere condolences to his son, Sheikh Mustafa Jaffer and to his respected family and the broader Khoja Shi’a Ithna Ashari community.

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