Math Tuition
FREE MATH TUITION is a community outreach project which is run every Saturday at Ahlul Bait (a.s) Mosque Complex in Ottery, Cape Town.
Mastering Math opens the doors to pursue studies in various critical scientific fields and since it is a purely intellectual based discipline, it also assists in appreciating various philosophical arguments.
It is the intention of this Complex to extend this program to other subjects as well in the near future as part of our mission to offer "Intellectual, Spiritual and Social Upliftment".
Members from ALL FAITHS are most welcome to register including ADULTS who are studying towards their Matric qualification. Our tutors have an outstanding academic background having achieved distinction in Math during Matric and beyond and have sound experience in tutoring.
Contact Bashier Rahim (0828736367) or bashierr@gmail.com to register.
Madresatul Imam Husayn (a.s)