وَمَا أَرْسَلْنَاكَ إِلَّا رَحْمَةً لِلْعَالَمِينَ

“And We have not sent you (Muhammad) but as a mercy to the worlds.”

Holy Quran: Surah Ambiya (chapter 21) verse 107

Night of Ashura lecture in the series: IMAM HUSAYN (A.S) – HEIR OF THE PROPHETS (Analyzing the phenomenon of deviation as witnessed by the Prophets)

By: Mowlana Syed Aftab Haider on 11 October 2016 (Muharram 1438) at the Ahlul Bait (a.s) Islamic Centre, Ottery, Cape Town)

The day of Ashura is the day that we commemorate the great tragedy of Karbala and the ultimate sacrifice of Imam Husayn (AS), who was the beloved grandson of our Prophet Muhammad (SAWA).

The night of Ashura is the tenth night of our series of commemorations at this centre, and this discussion is the culmination and climax of a series of discussions under the theme of:

“Imam Husayn (AS) – Heir of the Prophets: Analysing the phenomenon of Deviation as witnessed by the Prophets (AS).”

Video recordings and transcripts of these lectures are all available on our popular AFOSA facebook page and website www.afosa.org as well as our youtube channel.


Over the past 9 nights we tried to establish (in the light of the Holy Quran) how Imam Husayn (AS) and his movement in Karbala is basically the epitome of the movements and revolution of Prophets (AS). Imam Husayn (AS) is the heir of the Prophets as follows:

  1. The MESSAGE of Husayn (AS) in Karbala was the message of Tauheed. The message of Prophets was also the message of Tauheed, to believe that only He (SWT)) is worthy of worship.
  2. The CHALLENGES faced by Husayn (AS) resembles those faced by Prophets in the history as narrated by the Holy Quran.
  3. Husayn (AS) faced a society plagued with deviance and a distorted message. This is similar to the big DEVIATION and DISTORTION which took place in the time of the Prophets and generations thereafter, where the Holy Quran classifies these societies and systems of governance as arrogant and oppressive.
  4. Husayn (AS) also faced OPPOSITION from the same cursed triangle of MONEY, POWER AND DECEPTION as represented in the Holy Quran by Mutrafin (affluent), Mala’ (political elite), and Roh’baan (corrupt clergy).
  5. Husayn (AS) also faced DIFFICULTIES from those SILENT MASSES who did not come to support the cause of his grandfather Prophet Muhammad (SAWA) and to stand for the protection of his grandfather’s (SAWA) message…and as a result again, Husayn’s (AS) difficulties are similar to that experienced by Prophets.
  6. Husayn (AS) offered SACRIFICES due to this, and he STOOD FEARLESSLY in the face of arrogance, deviations and distortions, and presented a program of REFORM, as he so eloquently expressed in his last will before embarking on his journey to Karbala:

The only thing which invites me to this great movement is that I should reform the affairs of the followers of my grandfather, eradicate corruption, undertake enjoining to do good and restraining from evil and follow the tradition of my grandfather, the Prophet of Allah”

Furthermore, Imam Husayn (AS) followed the strategy, qualities and methodology of the Prophets in his journey and stand as heir of the Prophets.

In the last lecture (lecture 9) we discussed that Husayn (AS) was heir of Prophet Muhammad (SAWA), and this means that he was heir of the person referred to in the Holy Quran as the “excellent exemplar” and “sublime morality”. Therefore, his revolution and uprising is in every way a manifestation of Muhammadean morality and values, in:

  • His purpose
  • His methodology
  • His treatment of his supporters
  • His treatment of his enemies
  • The way he addressed the masses
  • The way he addressed scholars and clergy
  • The way he challenged the despotic rulers and authority

Karbala is the manifestation of exemplary character, in every aspect. He is heir of the Akhlaaq of Prophet Muhammad (SAWA).


Husayn (AS) is also the heir of the universal mercy which is deeply entrenched in the Muhammadean reality. This is the basis of our discussion in this lecture.

Prophet Muhammad (SAWA) was a universal mercy and similarly Karbala and Husayn (AS) is also universal. Universal message and universal mercy generates universal love!

Let us look at THIS inheritance of Imam Husayn (AS) from the Prophets. Prophets use to address people on three levels, as described in the Holy Quran, as follows:

  1. Sometimes they were addressing the Ummah, ie. the Muslims (believing men and women). Such verses would start with “Yaa ayyuhalla dheena Aamanu…”
  2. Sometimes they were addressing everybody who believes in God and Him only (monotheist). Such verses would start with “Yaa ahlal kitaab…”
  3. Sometimes they were addressing neither the Muslims, nor monotheists, but rather, the whole of humanity, irrespective of whether you believe in anything or not. Such verses would start with “Yaa ayyuhannaas…”

The message of Prophets, including the message of our Prophet Muhammad (SAWA) was not confined to one level of society. Sometimes he was speaking to Muslims, sometimes to monotheist and sometimes to the whole of humanity.

This is the meaning when we say that he is “rahma tullil alameen.” Prophet Muhammad (SAWA) is indeed the universal mercy unto all of creation.

Muslims are the greatest beneficiaries from this universal mercy. But others also have a share in this mercy. And even those who are in the third category, who maybe do not believe in anything or do not have any form of religiosity, but they benefit from this Divine mercy bestowed upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAWA). This is the meaning of the opening verse to this lecture:

وَمَا أَرْسَلْنَاكَ إِلَّا رَحْمَةً لِلْعَالَمِينَ

“And We have not sent you (Muhammad) but as a mercy to the worlds.”

Holy Quran: Surah Ambiya (chapter 21) verse 107

Husayn (AS) and his movement in Karbala is identical to this Muhammadean reality in every aspect.

There are goals in Karbala which are purely meant for the followers of Rasulullah (SAWA). Husayn (AS) is defining these goals, explaining why we should stand against Yazid (LA).

Husayn (AS) remonstrates by warning the Muslims that we may as well say farewell to Islam when Muslims get involved with an evil tyrant like Yazid (LA), whom he will never pledge allegiance to. This is his address to the Ummah of Rasulullah (SAWA).

Then there are times when Husayn (AS) speaks to all the monotheists. He challenges them by saying that if they believe in God Almighty then they cannot be silent in the face of such oppression from Yazid (LA).

Furthermore, he crosses the borders of religion, sect or ideology and addresses the whole of humanity! The logic of Husayn (AS) is that even if you don’t believe in Tauheed, you have something called humanity inside yourself, and if you have humanity you will never surrender to a devil like Yazid (LA).


Husayn’s (AS) goals are humanistic and monotheist, and so is his strategy and methodology, in addition to being the revival of Islam and Tauheed.

As that very well-known poetry of the great Sufi saint Khwaja Ghareeb Nawaz Mu’inudin Chishti Ajmeri (RA), so accurately writes when he defines Husayn (AS):


“Husayn is King! Husayn is King of the Kings!

Husain is himself religion and also the one who gave shelter to the religion

He preferred to give his head but not his hand to Yazid

Truly, Husayn is the foundation of la ilaha il-lallah”

Let us reflect on Tauheed in the context of Ashura 14 centuries ago.

Can you find salaah like the salaah in Karbala? A great poet said that the weight of one Sajdah of Husayn (AS) in Karbala on the day of Ashura at Dhur time while arrows are coming towards him, left, right and centre, equates to the all the Ibadah performed!

Look at the caliber of preparation taking place on the night of Ashura. The uninterrupted focus of Imam Husayn (AS) and his companions was to die purely to attain the pleasure of Almighty Allah (SWT). Where else can you find Fana-fillah to this level, where you are completely consumed in the awe of Almighty Allah (SWT) and refuse to surrender before anything else? It reaches the point where they are counting down the clock to die for the pleasure of Almighty Allah (SWT)!

So, we have now discussed Islam and Tauheed of Husayn (AS) in Karbala. Let us move further, and again in the strategy of Karbala, let us reflect on the spirit of humanity in Karbala which is again on a completely different level!


This spirit of humanity in Karbala reaches to the point where your heart is guaranteed to melt! It does not matter who you are and what religion you are from. Unfortunately, in our community this remembrance of Husayn (AS) is painted with a sectarian colour. Why?

Love of Husayn (AS) transcends all borders. Love of Husayn (AS) does not make you Shia. In fact, love of Husayn (AS) does not make you typical Muslim. Love of Husayn (AS) and remembering the tragedy of Karbala means that there is still some spirit of humanity remaining!

Karbala and love of Husayn (AS) and the Ahlul Bait (AS) gives us great courage. It teaches us not to fear. It commands us to stand for truth without any fear of retribution. Why must we be apologetic for loving Husayn (AS) and the Ahlul Bait (AS)??

Let us look at the courage displayed by Imam Shafi’i (RA) whom the majority of Sunni Muslims of Cape Town follow. He fearlessly says:

“O traveler go stand near Mina, not in a private or discrete room, go in Makkah and Musdalifah, when the pilgrims are coming in scores of numbers for Hajj, like a roaring river. At this point, exclaim that if love of the family of Prophet Muhammad (SAWA) and Husayn (AS) is Shiaism then human beings and Jinn should bear witness that I Imam Shafi’i am Shia!!”

Imam Shafi’i is imprisoned for his love of Ahlul Bait (AS)! Love of Husayn (AS) is universal. Why are Christians coming to Karbala to share their respect? What about Hindus and Buddhist? Why are people like Ghandi intrigued by Husayn (AS)? It is simply because the message of Husayn (AS) is universal for the whole of mankind.

Why must people fight with this remembrance of Husayn (AS)? After 14 centuries nobody could crush it, despite all kinds of resources and political will employed to suppress these gatherings to keep the memory of Husayn (AS) alive. The message of Husayn (AS) lives on! Husayn (AS) still inspires to fight and resist oppression and tyranny in order to establish truth!


Karbala is a magnet because of Husayn’s (AS) spirit of humanity! Look at his principles. One principle in Karbala is non-violence. Husayn (AS) went to fight. He is saying he will never surrender before the devil Yazid. This is the radical position that he will never surrender, but this position is countered with non-violence in Husayn’s (AS) firm stance. He is provoked to start the war on the day of Ashura but does not budge.

When the arrows come thick and fast on the morning of Ashura, he calls everyone together, to bear witness that he did not start the war. That’s why freedom fighters find shelter in Husayn (AS) and Karbala!

Husayn (AS) NEVER follows the principle of end justifying the means, like we find today! In Karbala, we find the human relationship. It is a unique war. There are no women and children in war, but in Karbala we even find a 6 month baby with Husayn (AS). What type of people is in Karbala? The tragedy of Karbala is a comprehensive and unique epic with universal appeal, transcending:

  • age restrictions – old people and young people are part of the martyrs
  • gender restrictions – women endure immense suffering
  • ethnic boundaries – Arab and non-Arab are equal in Husayn’s (AS) camp
  • continental borders – Karbala has Africans and Europeans
  • religious boundaries – new reverts to Islam are among the martyrs

Furthermore, in Karbala you find those who have spent their whole life in worship and also those sinners who were sincere in their repentance, and attained martyrdom for the sake of Islam!


Karbala is a stage where the whole of Islam is personified! In Karbala, we don’t understand who is Husayn. What is the meaning of love in Karbala?

We see in Karbala that everybody is ready to die on the one hand. They are all committed for martyrdom. It is a completely lopsided numerical equation, with 72 people in the camp of Imam Husayn (AS) versus 30 000 in the enemies camp. What type of war is this? But they refuse to surrender despite being exponentially outnumbered. They fight until the last drop of their blood, but they are not committed to violence. Big distinction to understand!

We have a Jihad in Karbala which is very different to the Jihad of ISIS! In Husayn’s (AS) Jihad there is a relationship of brother and sister, and brother and mother, and companions to their master Husayn (AS) and there is love in all the relationships!

How unique is this night of Ashura in Karbala, when Husayn (AS) gathered all his companions and family. It is the climax of the human spirit.

Husayn (AS) opens his sermon saying you are free to go wherever you want. Look at this freedom of choice the night before the war!!! And to prove that it is not just lip-service, Husayn (AS) switches off the lamp so people can leave in the dark. He does not want to impose on the people!

He even provides excuses for some people. There was one person in Karbala who receives the news that his son was arrested on the borders. Husayn (AS) insists that this person leaves to attend to the freedom of his son. This person responds to Imam Husayn (AS) by asking how can I be worried about the freedom of my son while you, the grandson of Rasulullah (SAWA), are arrested in the burning desert of Karbala?!


It is the afternoon of the day of Ashura, and Husayn (AS) is all alone in the battlefield, since everybody else in his camp has been brutally martyred. Husayn (AS) cries out from the battlefield: “Is there any helper to help us? Is there any rescuer to rescue us?”

Husayn (AS) knew that nobody will answer, but he knew this call is not limited to Karbala, but for centuries until the end of time people will hear the call and shout Labbayk ya Husayn!

It is in the burning heat of the desert of Karbala, where the camp of Husayn (AS) has been denied access to water for 3 days now. This is the most horrifying and inhumane tactic employed by the enemies of Husayn (AS) in Karbala.

Despite Abbas (AS) being unsuccessful in his attempt to bring water to the children, and being killed brutally in his pursuit thereof, we see the wife of Imam Husayn (AS) pleading for him to take their 6 month Ali Asghar into the battlefield and surely the enemy will agree for the dry tongue of this 6 month baby to taste water? Not to be! The crimes committed by Bani Umayya in Karbala are unimaginable!

The polite request for water is met with a spear to the throat of 6 month old Ali Asghar. Up to this day, we still wonder what the crime of this baby was. Merciless is redefined by Bani Umayya!

Imam Husayn (AS) is having great difficulty in returning the body of 6 month old Ali Asghar to the tent. Unable to hand this slain 6 month old Ali Asghar, he walks back and forth 7 times saying Inna Lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji-oen.

The body of 6 month old Ali Asghar was clearly the heaviest for Imam Husayn (AS) to carry!