This verse is speaking about an attribute of the Servants of Rahman relating to “infaaq”. This is generally translated as “spending”.
This verse is speaking about an attribute of the Servants of Rahman relating to “infaaq”. This is generally translated as “spending”.
Now, this expression of Ibadur Rahman, is asking from Almighty Allah (SWT) for refuge from Jahannam. Remember what we discussed earlier,
Where can we find someone in history like Imam Ali (a.s) who treats people under his governance with the highest level of humility? Let us use his relationship with his own slave as an example, Qambar.
Again by showing a particular approach and behaviour as in the first part of the verse, they are said to not get embroiled in arguments with ignorant people.
The following 2 verses are further expressions of Rahmaniyya of Almighty Allah which we did not complete in the previous post.
After discussions of how the Prophet (sawa) was rejected in various ways by various sectors of society, one can picture a situation wherein the Prophet (sawa) must have been exhausted
And if We had pleased certainly We would have raised up a warner in every town.”
“So do not follow the infidels, and strive against them with it (the Qur’an) a strenuous strife”
The Quran says people who worship their desire are worse than cattle. In the absence of “intellect” in cattle, they do not have the capacity to grow and progress.
They do not overtly worship idols, but actually worship their desires and place idols in front of them as a smoke screen so that it appears that they worshiping the idols.
The next verses give real examples from history of how previous nations also abandoned Allah’s Message.