25 April 2020

It is with great sadness that we witnessed the sad passing of Ayatollah Shaikh Ebrahim Amini Najafabadi (May Almighty shower his infinite Mercy upon his soul).

On behalf of the Ahlul Bait (as) Foundation of South Africa and all its national affiliates, we hereby convey our heartfelt condolences to our beloved living Imam Mahdi (as), to the Leader of the Ummah – Ayatullah Sayyed Ali Khamenei, Islamic Seminary of Qom as well as to his respected family and students on this tragic loss.

Ayatullah Amini was an eminent scholar who studied under great minds such as Ayatullah Broujerdi, Allamah Tabatabai and Imam Khomeini. His academic pedigree is evident through his many books, published papers and attendance at various internal conferences. Many of his works have been translated to English and have benefited our own community.

In addition to his academic work, he also played a crucial role in society, as an active member of the clergy and his involvement in the Islamic Revolution, and subsequent official positions which he held. His calm, guiding presence and his Akhlaq which encompassed all factions of society will be dearly missed.

It is important to note that he greatly supported the tabligh work of the School of Ahlul Bait in Southern Africa from its early days, and in fact played a key role in my own deployment to South Africa.

We reiterate our condolences and urge patience and perseverance to all his family and friends under the difficult and trying conditions due to global corona virus pandemic and pray that Almighty ALLAH grant Marhoom the highest accolades in HIS Paradise and keep him in the company of those whom he dearly loved. Ameen

Was Salaam,
Syed Aftab Haider
National Co-Ordinator
